William Sanders

Megan Davis, XXXX, XXXX, Sally Scales & XXXX at the 2017 ______

Dr William Sanders is an Honorary Senior Fellow at the Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research (CAEPR) at the Australian National University. Will joined CAEPR as a Research Fellow in 1993. His undergraduate training was in government, public administration, and political science, and his PhD was on the inclusion of Aboriginal people in the social security system. Will has been writing about Commonwealth Government approaches to Indigenous self-determination since the early 1980s, and has authored numerous papers since on the institutions of self-determination such as ATSIC. Will's research interests include Indigenous people's participation in elections, housing and social security policy issues, and federal and intergovernmental aspects of Indigenous affairs policy.


Posts by William

15.05.21 What do we know about public attitudes to a First Nations Voice?